Deploy to Vercel

Deploying JStack to Vercel is like deploying any other Next.js app, it works out of the box. This guide will walk you through the deployment process.

Deployment Steps

  1. Configure Client URL

    Update lib/client.ts to use the Vercel URL in production. Vercel automatically provides your deployment URL as process.env.VERCEL_URL:


    import type { AppRouter } from "@/server"
    import { createClient } from "jstack"
    export const client = createClient<AppRouter>({
      baseUrl: `${getBaseUrl()}/api`,
    function getBaseUrl() {
      // 👇 Use browser URL if client-side
      if (typeof window !== "undefined") {
        return window.location.origin
      // 👇 Use Vercel URL in production
      if (process.env.VERCEL_URL) {
        return `https://${process.env.VERCEL_URL}`
      // 👇 Default to localhost
      return `http://localhost:3000`
  2. Deploy to Vercel

    • Via GitHub: Connect repository through Vercel dashboard
    • Via CLI: Run vercel deploy
    • Vercel automatically sets the production URL

Environment Variables

Configure your environment variables in the Vercel dashboard:

  • Go to your project settings
  • Navigate to the "Environment Variables" tab
  • Add your variables
Environment variables for Vercel deployment

Alternatively, you can use the CLI to add environment variables:


vercel env add <KEY>

Common Problems

CORS Configuration

If you're experiencing CORS problems, make sure your base API includes CORS middleware:


import { InferRouterInputs, InferRouterOutputs } from "jstack"
import { postRouter } from "./routers/post-router"
import { j } from "./jstack"
const api = j
const appRouter = j.mergeRouters(api, {
  post: postRouter,
export type AppRouter = typeof appRouter
export default appRouter

→ More about CORS in JStack