First Steps

JStack makes it easy to build performant, reliable Next.js applications. You can start a new project in one of two ways:

  • Using the CLI (recommended)
  • Manual Setup

Especially if you use the CLI (which does all the setup automatically), this guide will help you understand key components of your new (and hopefully favorite 🤞) Next.js & TypeScript tech stack.


The quickest way to get started is with the CLI:


npx create-jstack-app@latest

That's it! 🎉 The CLI creates a brand new project following best practices and modern Next.js patterns. I recommend reading on to understand each part of JStack.

1. File Structure

Let's explore the main building blocks of JStack. I recommend the following file structure for your Next.js application:

JStack File Structure

  └── server/
      ├── jstack.ts        # Initialize JStack
      ├── index.ts         # Main appRouter
      └── routers/         # Router directory
          ├── user-router.ts
          ├── post-router.ts
          └── ...

2. Initialize JStack

This file is the point where we initialize JStack. Optionally, you can specify your environment variable type here, which makes it type-safe across your application.


import { jstack } from "jstack"
interface Env {
  Bindings: { DATABASE_URL: string }
export const j = jstack.init<Env>()
 * Public (unauthenticated) procedures
 * This is the base part you use to create new procedures.
export const publicProcedure = j.procedure

This file is where we create Procedures and Middleware.

3. The App Router 🧠

The core of JStack is the appRouter - it's the entry point to your Next.js backend and manages all your API routes:


import { j } from "./jstack"
 * This is your base API.
 * Here, you can handle errors, not-found responses, cors and more.
const api = j
 * This is the main router for your server.
 * All routers in /server/routers should be added here manually.
const appRouter = j.mergeRouters(api, {
  // ...
export type AppRouter = typeof appRouter
export default appRouter

When a new HTTP request comes in to your server, the appRouter knows where to route the request.

→ Read more about the appRouter

4. Routers

Routers help you group related features. For example, you might have:

  • userRouter for user related operations
  • paymentRouter for all payment related operations
  • postRouter for blog post operations

This is what a basic router looks like:


import { j, publicProcedure } from "../jstack"
export const postRouter = j.router({
  recent: publicProcedure.get(({ c }) => {
    return c.json({ title: "first post" })

In this example:

  • postRouter is the name of your router
  • recent is the name of your procedure
  • The function gets a context object (c) with helpful utilities
  • We return a mocked post using c.json()

5. Connecting a Router

Let's connect our new router to make it available for API requests:


import { j } from "./jstack"
import { postRouter } from "./routers/post-router"
const api = j
const appRouter = j.mergeRouters(api, {
  post: postRouter,
export type AppRouter = typeof appRouter
export default appRouter

6. API Setup

To handle all incoming requests with our appRouter, create a catch-all API route:


import appRouter from "@/server"
import { handle } from "hono/vercel"
export const GET = handle(appRouter.handler)
export const POST = handle(appRouter.handler)

That's it! 🎉

You can now send API requests to http://localhost:3000/api/post/recent. This path is made up of three different parts:

  • base path (/api)
  • Router name (post)
  • Procedure name (recent)

→ Next: Make type-safe API requests in your Next.js app